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2024 Supplement Trends: What do consumers want?

It a market flooded with products, how do we stand out? A key must is to provide products that consumers truly want. As more brands add supplements to their range, here's what the consumer is look for in 2024 so far


The spotlight is now on ingredients, taking center stage on product packaging as a key marketing strategy.

Named as the leading trend by Innova Market Insights for 2024, "Ingredients: Taking the Spotlight" emphasizes the importance of showcasing standout ingredients in new product developments, drawing consumers' attention on the shelves. This shift has led companies to prominently display ingredients on the packaging, catering to consumer demands for specific ingredients.

This trend has influenced the branding of numerous nutraceutical products, with a focus on ingredients that evoke strong consumer connections, whether through taste, emotional appeal, or functionality. Consumers, particularly those seeking trusted and recognizable ingredients with proven health benefits, such as vitamin D, magnesium, and iron, are driving this demand. This presents an opportunity for educating consumers about their nutritional needs and how certain ingredients can address common symptoms associated with their age group.

Vitamins have long been a cornerstone of dietary supplements, with over 58% of U.S. adults incorporating at least one vitamin supplement into their daily routine, according to a report by the Nutrition Business Journal (NBJ). Vitamins consistently dominate sales in the dietary supplement industry, providing ample opportunities for both established and emerging brands to introduce innovative and quality-driven products.

The traditional approach of comprehensive multivitamins, once the mainstay of the market, has given way to a more specialized and targeted approach. Consumers are seeking combined vitamin formulations tailored to their specific needs, signaling a departure from the one-size-fits-all multivitamin strategy.

Among minerals, magnesium is experiencing rapid growth in consumer demand, driven by its perceived benefits in supporting mood, sleep, relaxation, and immune health. Its versatility allows for various dosage forms to meet recommended daily allowances (RDA), including gummies, chews, and drink mixes, packaged in formats such as stick packs, shots, and traditional bottles and jars.


Consumers are increasingly prioritizing product efficacy, particularly focusing on nutrient absorption.

Consumers recognize that the absorption of active ingredients, also known as bioavailability, is essential for the effectiveness of dietary supplements. As interest in convenient supplements addressing diverse health needs grows, brands must offer formulations supported by evidence of absorption efficacy, ensuring maximum nutrient uptake to complement dietary habits and patterns.

However, certain nutrients pose challenges such as off-flavors, reactivity, interactions with other ingredients, and undesirable color changes. Addressing these challenges is crucial to create stable, bioavailable, and palatable products that safeguard consumers from potential side effects, including gastrointestinal irritation caused by ingesting nutraceutical formulations.

Currently, there's a focus on developing technology platforms to overcome unwanted ingredient interactions that may hinder absorption. This innovation aims to isolate the ingredient with a protective layer without compromising its bioavailability, enabling the formulation of effective dietary supplements.


Consumer demand for scientifically proven ingredients is on the rise as they seek reassurance.

Consumers today are increasingly skeptical and demand evidence to support product claims. They prefer products that are 100% natural and contain trusted ingredients like vitamins and minerals, which have demonstrated high efficacy. Companies must provide clear and concise product information to meet these demands.

Consumers want assurance that nutritional supplements contain only authentic ingredients, transparency, trust, and safety, free from harmful ingredients and side effects. Therefore, supplement manufacturers must introduce scientifically supported products with recognizable ingredients backed by science and ensure absorption. Additionally, they must provide evidence to support the claims made on their packaging.

To establish credibility and connect with their target audiences, brands should explain the science behind product efficacy and clinical trial results. This year, a significant trend is expected to focus on brands establishing trust in nutraceuticals through scientific backing. They can achieve this by using ingredients with validated health claims and branded ingredients to support the efficacy of new product launches.


Consumers seek products that promote emotional and physical wellness, emphasizing a holistic approach to health.

According to the FMCG Gurus report on the top 10 trends for 2024, consumers prioritize prevention over cure for their health, actively seeking ways to improve overall wellness. The Innova Trends Survey 2024 reveals that more than one in three consumers claim to be proactive in preventing health issues.

This growing interest in holistic health recognizes the significance of cognitive and emotional well-being in promoting healthy aging.

Boosting the immune system remains a top priority, reflecting ongoing concerns about living in uncertain times and focusing wellness regimes on disease management. Gut health has also gained prominence, linked to overall well-being, with consumers prioritizing products claiming to improve mood, sleep, relaxation, and manage stress and anxiety. There's a preference for products offering immediate and long-term benefits for emotional and physical well-being, indicating a focus on holistic health. Additionally, there's an increased interest in products offering beauty benefits from within.

To capitalize on upcoming supplement trends, it's crucial to act swiftly, innovate uniquely, and offer a diverse range of health benefits from a single product, prioritizing overall health in product development.


The popularity of on-the-go delivery formats is rising due to their convenience and enjoyable experience.

Market research indicates that dietary supplement brands must fulfill both logical, science-based needs and emotional, sensory experience-based needs to engage consumers fully and deliver the full value of their products. While traditional capsules still dominate the market, new supplement formats are emerging to enhance sensory appeal and convenience. The entire user experience is increasingly important, with forms that deliver full sensory potential becoming more prevalent. Chewable and powder formats are generally preferred due to their sensory appeal, convenience, and portability.

To support holistic wellness, new supplement launches should leverage convenient product formats, gaining popularity among Millennials and Gen Z as their disposable income increases.


Consumers seek effective products gentle on the stomach with minimal side effects. Formulating supplements with reactive or unstable ingredients can be challenging, leading to unpleasant taste, texture, and bioavailability issues. Such problems may arise during product development and consumer acceptability studies. Some products in the market have unpleasant tastes, textures, and mixability. Additionally, consumers are concerned about potential side effects. Brands should prioritize efficacy and sensory appeal, ensuring a pleasant consumer experience with easy digestion and minimal side effects such as unpleasant taste, mouthfeel, or stomach upset.

As the emphasis on our wellness continues to mount, consumers are frequently looking for the best ingredients, formats and brands to support them on their journey.

Want some help to review how we can pivot your brand and products to meet consumer wants? Drop us a DM @weare_altitude or say and lets chat

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